Once upon a time, in a small farm, there was a group of chickens that lived a peaceful and happy life. They roamed around the farm, pecked at the ground, and laid eggs every morning. However, one day, the farmer noticed that something was off with his chickens. They seemed to be behaving strangely, running around in circles and pecking at imaginary insects.
After some investigation, the farmer discovered that the chickens had been accidentally exposed to some drugs that he had been using to treat his sick cows. The chickens had ingested some of the medication, and as a result, they were now high on drugs.
At first, the farmer didn't know what to do. He was worried about the health of his chickens, but at the same time, he couldn't help but be amused by their hilarious behavior. The chickens were now running around, clucking loudly, and even doing cartwheels.
The farmer decided to keep a close eye on his chickens to make sure they were safe. But as the days went by, the chickens seemed to be getting more and more addicted to the drugs. They started to demand the medication, and even became aggressive towards each other if they didn't get their fix.
The farmer knew that he had to intervene, so he consulted with a veterinarian who specialized in treating farm animals. The vet suggested that they slowly wean the chickens off the drugs and monitor their behavior to ensure that they didn't relapse.
It was a challenging process, but eventually, the chickens were able to recover and return to their normal behavior. The farmer learned a valuable lesson about the dangers of using drugs on farm animals and made a promise to never let it happen again.
In the end, the chickens went back to living their peaceful and happy lives on the farm, never again tempted by the allure of drugs. The farmer was grateful to have his beloved chickens back to their old selves, and he made sure to keep a closer eye on their health and well-being from then on.
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